Lead-Seq interactive
Explore the Lead-Seq data set
These plots illustrate data from Lead-Seq RNA structure probing on Yersinia pseudotuberculosis at 25°C and 37°C, published by Twittenhoff, Brandenburg and Righetti et al., 2020. To learn more about Lead-Seq and the data set, visit my Lead-Seq project page.
Annotated Features:
Identification of RNA-Thermometers
This plot shows the Δscores and p-adjust values around the Shine-Dalgarno-Sequence (SDS). Transcripts with a negative Δscore and a low p-adjust are considered good RNA-thermometer (RNAT) candidates. RNATs confirmed by [1]: Twittenhoff, Brandenburg and Righetti et al., 2020 are marked in orange, RNATs confirmed by [2]: Righetti et al., 2016 are marked in yellow.